An Effective Guide to Play Washers Game under Official Rules!

Among the different classic outdoor games in America, people are becoming fascinated by washers Game above cornhole toss and disc golf! The goal of this game is to toss and land small washers into the washers boards’ holes—the targets. It’s a lot like horseshoes but without the weight. This game is usually played with 3 hole washers accessories like washers and 3-hole washers boards, which are made under washers authorized guidelines. People of all ages can play it.

Let’s discuss the official rules that need to be kept top-front while playing the washers game.

  1. Place the washer boards 10 feet apart.
  2. Before the commencement of the washers game, divide the teams into singles (2 players) or doubles (four players). It’s also better for washers’ game enthusiasts to keep the game’s special terminology in mind, which you can look up online.
  3. A small contest is organized before the game's official start to decide who will toss the washers first.
  4. Whoever keeps score should be very familiar with all the rules.
  5. Scores are awarded for throwing of washers into washer boards’ holes. The points differ as 0, 1, 3, and 5 in number depending on which hole the washer lands in.
  6. Each team takes turns tossing the washers to the other game board, trying to score points. The team that reaches 21 points first, without going over, is the winner.

Which are some of the Best Tactics to Implement in Washers Game?

  • Always consider underarm throws to achieve better scoring in washers game.
  • Remember the special terminology to succeed in the practical playing of washers game and keep others inspired.
  • It’s best to play washers game in backyard areas, parks, and other flat outdoor areas.


Hence, Washers Game is all about developing your core creative and interpersonal skills. If you are looking for a reputable website to seek washers’ game online, don’t hesitate to connect with Washers Game!

Also Read Washer Pitching—A Perfect Game to Enhance your Skills & IQ!
